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C Programming and hardware concepts with laboratory-based questions along with answers. It is prepared especially for Kerala Technological University B.Tech first year CSE students.
Familiarization of Hardware Components of a Computer.
Familiarization of Linux environment – How to do Programming in C with Linux
Familiarization of console I/O and operators in C
Read n integers, store them in an array and find their sum and average
Read n integers, store them in an array and search for an element in the array using an algorithm for Linear Search
Read n integers, store them in an array and sort the elements in the array using Bubble Sort algorithm
Read a string (word), store it in an array and check whether it is a palindrome word or not.
Read two strings (each one ending with a $ symbol), store them inarrays and concatenate them without using library functions.
Read a string (ending with a $ symbol), store it in an array and count the number of vowels,consonants and spaces in it
Read two input each representing the distances between two points in the Euclidean space,store these in structure variables and add the two distance values.
Using structure, read and print data of n employees (Name, Employee Id and Salary)
Declare a union containing 5 string variables (Name, House Name, City Name, State and Pincode) each with a length of C_SIZE (user defined constant). Then, read and display the address of aperson using a variable of the union.
Find the factorial of a given Natural Number n using recursive and non recursive functions
Read a string (word), store it in an array and obtain its reverse by using a user defined function.
Write a menu driven program for performing matrix addition, multiplication and finding thetranspose. Use functions to (i) read a matrix, (ii) find the sum of two matrices, (iii) find the productof two matrices, (i) find the transpose of a matrix and (v) display a matrix.
Do the following using pointers i) add two numbers ii) swap two numbers using a user defined function
Input and Print the elements of an array using pointers
Compute sum of the elements stored in an array using pointers and user defined function.
Create a file and perform the following iii) Write data to the file iv) Read the data in a given file & display the file content on console v) append new data and display on console
Open a text input file and count number of characters, words and lines in it; and store the results in an output file.
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